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Advertising rates start at $33 (incl GST) per month for online advertising. You can include up to 5 photos and 1000 words of text online. Advertisers are responsible for cancelling their ad. No refunds will be issued for ads where the advertiser sells a product and fails to cancel their ad. RAAus offers advertisers the opportunity to auto-renew ads, it is an advertisers responsibility to turn off this feature.

Before purchasing any aircraft/engines/equipment that appear in the Aviation Classifieds, make sure that the technical details and registration information is correct for that type and model of aircraft/engine/equipment.

RAAus takes NO responsibility for the technical accuracy of the details and information attached to each advert online and may not be able to transfer the aircraft purchase. RAAus also reserves the right to edit or delete advertisements, which are deemed inappropriate or mis-leading. RAAus reserves the right to withdraw from publication, without refund, any ad deemed unsuitable, including low quality or faulty images.

RAAus does not accept responsibility for advertising errors or omissions. Advertisers are also responsible for assessing both the integrity of potential buyers, and the risks that attend online transactions. The long standing principle of caveat emptor (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caveat_emptor) applies.

Since phishing scammers may contact advertisers using the RAAus website, you are strongly encouraged to familiarise yourself with the ACCC’s guidelines for recognising and guarding against online scammers (https://www.accc.gov.au/consumers/consumer-protection/protecting-yourself-from-scams).

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