36 Ads in Aircraft
Beautiful homemade French D11 that flys well and is a very stable plane. Owned since 2009 ...
Seller: Mark Tait
Located: Australia
W8 Tailwind with 482 hours TT. Lycoming 0-235 engine, overhauled magnetos, standard instruments plus AV Map Ultra, VSI. Icom A210 radio. Fuel tank 100L Was imported from Canada and registered in RAA. maintained by L2. An affordable 2 seater tail wh...
Seller: James Robert Auld
Located: Australia
Loehle mustang single seat tail wheel. first registered 10/2002. TT 130 hours Easy to take off and land. Take off in 50 meters. very low stall speed. Engine is a fuel injected Suzuki G16B. Brolga 4 blade prop. Reserve fuel tanks. Retractable undercar...
Seller: James Robert Auld
Located: Australia
Recently refurbished aircraft, fitted with an overhauled Jabari 2200 B engine, engineered to fit. 25 registered, so can be used for training. Great for low and slow flying, eg. mustering and can easily be landed in paddocks. Located in Kingston SE So...
Seller: Stephen Edwards
Located: Australia
Jabiru J230-D, 24-5481 - Factory built August 2008. Airframe and engine hours 717.1 (Still being flown so hours will change). Second owner since 11/11/2015. Always hangered, location YGWA, SA, fully maintained by LAME / L2. Next annual due Dec 20...
Seller: Murray William Nitschke
Located: Australia
2023 KFA Safari MK3 for sale Airframe Hours - 66 hours Rotax 912ULST - 10 Hours TSN (TURBO) 135HP 4 Blade E prop MGL glass EFIS, Audio panel, Radio panel Oratex covering 29” Alaskan Bush Tyres (Airstreaks), 6” Matco rims, Matco...
Seller: jeremiah vkuyl
Located: Australia